Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Apistogramma agassizi "Fire Red"

Apistogramma agassizi "Fire Red"
Origin: ??
PH: 6.0 - 7.0
Water Temperature: 24 - 28 degrees
Rare Rating: 4 STARS

For Your Information:
A generally peaceful cichlid but will become more territorial towards their own species when they are spawning.  The optimum water condition is the key of success.  Females are smaller than males. They DO need some hiding places such as caves, flowerpots and etc as they are cave spawners.  Males will be driven away when females are spawning.  The eggs will be hatched in around 3 - 5 days.  Good diet, such as frozen bloodworm are important once you have established them in pair.

Selling Price: RM250 per pair

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